A penny for your thoughts

A penny for your thoughts

MY NAME IS PAUL HUGGARD. I AM A WRITER OF STORIES, A PSYCHOTHERAPIST, and A SCHOOL GUIDANCE COUNSELLOR LIVING IN DUBLIN. Writing is what I love to do. It’s where I feel safe. Unfortunately, school shut the doors EARLY on my creative side and it wasn’t until mUCH later that I reconnected with what I NOW realize IS my TRUE passion. It helped that I was growing up in Dublin at A time WHEN U2 was coming to prominence. I was immediately drawn to Bono’s lyrics WHICH inspired me to write some poetry. It REMAINS hidden away at the back of a wardrobe where it PROBABLY IS BEST LEFT, but I enjoyed playing with words and it ALLOWED ME TO EXPRESS MYSELF emotionally. I STARTED to read whatever caught my attention and thankfully I have never stopped. I CONTINUE TO filL my mind with stories, music, books, people, fashion, culture, places, film following WHATEVER INSPIRATION I CAN FIND. it wasn’t until I was in my forties that I wrote AND published My FIRST BOOK Singing the Blues. I AM CURRENTLY WORKING ON MY FIRST NOVEL, WHICH IS ALMOST READY FOR PUBLICATION.


Write Here Write Now

There’s no time like writing time


Write Said Fred

So I did



Thoughts and Tales from the Underworld